
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Biore Charcoal Pore Strims. Fail

When I seen this, I got super excited. I love their original pore strips but this one has charcoal. So I was amazed. I needed some pore strips (unfortunately) so I picked theses up instead. For these one you do the same steps as the original ones except your water has to be extra wet so they had adhere better, wait until it turns to like machete and remove. Simple right? Wrong. Once you start pulling the sides off, it basically starts to pull on the skin very harshly, I thought maybe I didn't moisten my nose enough, let me try this again and of course on another day. Nope. It still hurt maybe even worser, so I though maybe I left it on for too long, nope same problem.  I didn't even see a difference, yes I check my pore strips to see what it got off. but it didn't do much action. I do not recommend these whatsoever from my experience with this was painful to remove and it did nothing special. I will stick to my normal pore strips from Biore. 

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