
Monday, January 26, 2015

My Weekends

Shelby gave me some inspiration from her post. What do I do on the weekends?" I do quite a bit actually. Starts like this.

Some brush cleaning. I have to do this, I should actually do this more often but time only allows me to do some brushes lol. 

I am always cleaning, this is something I can never escape, avoid, or not do. I love a clean house especially a clean kitchen! Some a good part of my weekend is dedicated to some deep cleaning, during the weekdays i just keep kitchen and living room clean, and the weekend i get the rest. Seems fair.

As we probably all know by now, this is Netflix, I love this. My husband and I spend a good amount of time searching for something and watching either a movie or a series, we just finished Breaking Bad and I am now rewatching Gossip Girl, yes we both watch together, c'mon, it's a good damn show! I love me some Blair and Chuck :)
I usually cook something simple during the week, nothing too special, but when it comes to the weekend, I  love to grub on something good, not necessarily junk food (although I do love junk food, and yes I know it's not good for ya :D) I like some steaks on the grill, or carryout chinese, whatever is good, I'm there! 

Yes snuggling with my loves, is part of the weekends for me, all day errrday! I do some snuggling everyday actually lol. 

Sounds about right though, I don't think I need to go further. :)

Just to wrap this up, thanks Ryan! :D 

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