I have used this for a good sold week. Ever since I changed my birth control from a hormonal one to a non-hormonal one, my acne is starting to diminish and so has my oiliness, (thank goodness). I have waited for a while to purchase this because I wasn't sure how my skin and face was going to be, I was hoping it would clear up, and it did! Enough of that talk, my face is more of the normal and could be a bit oily on the t-zone area, but that's torwards the end of the night. Anyways, I have used a Beauty Blender, my Sigma F82 (Round Kabuki) and my Real Techniques Buffing Brush to get a good feel on what method was going to apply better, and I will have to say for me the Sigma F82 has worked very good.

The foundation itself is runny, not too thick, but it does set really quick, and I recommend you use a primer, I have the feeling it can cling on to any dry patches, especially around the nose where it's a little dry due to cold weather, I got maybe a shade just a bit light but after I contour and use blush it looks beautiful on me, this for me is a dry foundation, if that makes sense. It looks dry as soon as you apply it but soon after it starts to work its magic, and I forgot to mention this is full coverage, and I swear you need more than 1 1/2 pumps, a little goes a long way, so this is worth every penny. I have had no problems with it, it looks beautiful one me, the shade is right on, I do recommend this if you have normal to maybe combination skin. I have had no problems with it being too oily or too dry, it's just perfect, I love it and I have been reaching for it a lot, but now I feel bad because yesterday i used my fave foundation True Match and it just couldn't compare because I am in love with the Nars that True Match couldn't compare, and I do no mean by any means think that they are even comparable, plus the True Match make me look super oily which is so odd,
Sorry for the long ass post, those are my exact though on this foundation, yes I recommend it, I love it, yes it's quite pricey but a little product goes a very long mile.
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